Photo of Antonios Armaou

Antonios Armaou

Affiliate Professor


  • Chemical Engineering

Research Areas:

Systems Engineering

Interest Areas:

Nonlinear process dynamics analysis and control, computational modeling of multiscale systems, process analysis design and control of spatially distributed processes with application to microelectronics manufacturing and biology.






  • Panagiotis D Christofides, Antonios Armaou, Yiming Lou and Amit Varshney, 2008, CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION OF MULTISCALE PROCESS SYSTEMS, Birkhauser, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 1-201

Journal Articles

  • Hu Guiting, Zhengjiang Zhang, Antonios Armaou and Zhengbing Yan, 2021, "Elman Neural Networks Combined with Extended Kalman Filters for Data-driven Dynamic Data Reconciliation in Nonlinear Dynamic Process Systems", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60, pp. 15219–15235
  • Jin Woo Chang, Antonios Armaou and Robert M Rioux, 2021, "Continuous-injection isothermal titration calorimetry for real-time evaluation of the thermodynamic binding properties of ligand-receptor binding models", Journal Physical Chemistry, 125, pp. 8075–8087
  • Davood Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2021, "Lyapunov based on-line model reduction and control of semilinear dissipative distributed parameter systems with minimum feedback information", Journal of Process Control, pp. 135-145
  • Rui Liu, Antonios Armaou and Xi Chen, 2021, "Adaptable Parallel Acceleration Strategy for Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulations of Polymerization with Microscopic Resolution", Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res, 60, pp. 6173–6187
  • Wengweg Zhu, Zhengjiang Zhang, Antonios Armaou, Sipei Zhao and S Huang, 2021, "Dynamic Data Reconciliation to Improve the Result of Controller Performance Assessment Based on GMVC", ISA Transactions, 117, pp. 288-302
  • Hu Guiting, Zhengjiang Zhang, Antonios Armaou and Zhengbing Yan, 2020, "Robust extended Kalman filter based state estimation for nonlinear dynamic processes with measurements corrupted by gross errors", J. Taiwan Institute Chem. Eng., 106, pp. 20-33
  • Gbolahan P Dada and Antonios Armaou, 2019, "Generalized SVD reduced-order observers for LTI systems with noisy measurements", Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., 50, pp. 23201-23210
  • Negar Hashemian and Antonios Armaou, 2019, "Feedback control design using model predictive control formulation and Carleman approximation method", AIChE Journal, 65, (9), pp. 11 pages
  • Manda Yang, Linxi Wang, S. M. Kamali Shahri, Robert M Rioux and Antonios Armaou, 2018, "Investigation of CO2 sorption mechanisms in isothermal columns via transient material and energy balance PDE models", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 57, pp. 10303–10314
  • Yizhou Fang and Antonios Armaou, 2018, "Output Feedback Receding Horizon Regulation via Moving Horizon Estimation and Model Predictive Control", Journal of Process Control, 69, pp. 114-127
  • Fenpin Li, Antonios Armaou, S Zhou, Y Zhou and Y Xue, 2018, "Study on ADRC Parameter Optimization Using CPSO for Clamping Force Control System", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, pp. AID 2159274
  • Antonios Armaou and Manda Yang, 2018, "Revisiting APOD accuracy for nonlinear control of transport reaction processes: discrete adaptive POD (DAPOD) approach", Chemical Engineering Science, 181, pp. 146-158
  • Manda Yang and Antonios Armaou, 2017, "Synthesis of equation-free control structures for dissipative distributed parameter systems using proper orthogonal decomposition and discrete empirical interpolation methods", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56, pp. 10110–10122
  • Negar Hashemian and Antonios Armaou, 2017, "A Moving Horizon Estimation Algorithm Based on Carleman Approximation: Design and Stability Analysis", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56, pp. 10087–10098
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar, Seyed Mehdi Kamali Shahri, Robert M Rioux and Antonios Armaou, 2016, "Spatiotemporal Modeling and Parametric Estimation of Isothermal CO2Adsorption Columns", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55, (22), pp. 6443-6453
  • Negar Hashemian and Antonios Armaou, 2016, "Simulation, Model-Reduction, and State Estimation of a Two-Component Coagulation Process", AICHE Journal, 62, (5), pp. 1557-1567
  • Yizhou Fang and Antonios Armaou, 2016, "Carleman Approximation Based Quasi-analytic Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems", AIChE Journal, 62, pp. 3915-3929
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "Dynamic shaping of transport-reaction processes with a combined sliding mode controller and Luenberger-type dynamic observer design", Chemical Engineering Science, 138, pp. 673-684
  • Davood B Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "APOD-based control of linear distributed parameter systems under sensor/controller communication bandwidth limitations", AIChE Journal, 61, pp. 434-447
  • D. B. Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "Control of spatially distributed processes with unknown transport-reaction parameters via two layer system adaptations", AIChE Journal, 61, pp. 2497-2507
  • W. D. Bradley, W. M. Aumiller, N. Hashemian, S. An., Antonios Armaou and Christine D Keating, 2015, "Colocalization and Sequential Enzyme Activity in Aqueous Biphasic Systems: Experiments and Modeling", Biophysical Journal, 109, pp. 2182-2194
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "Design of APOD-based switching dynamic observers and output feedback control for a class of nonlinear distributed parameter systems", Chemical Engineering Science, 136, pp. 673-684
  • W Aumiller, B Davis, N Hashemian, C D Maranas, Antonios Armaou and Christine D Keating, 2014, "Coupled Enzyme Reactions Performed in Heterogeneous Reaction Media: Experiments and Modeling for Glucose Oxidase and Horseradish Peroxidase in a PEG/Citrate Aqueous Two-Phase System", Journal Physical Chemistry B, 118, (9), pp. 2506-2517
  • D B Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2014, "Geometric output tracking of nonlinear distributed parameter systems via adaptive model reduction", Chemical Engineering Science, 116, pp. 418-427
  • Antonios Armaou and A Ataei, 2014, "Piece-wise constant predictive feedback control of nonlinear systems", Journal Process Control, 24, (4), pp. 326-335
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2013, "Modification to Adaptive Model Reduction for Regulation of Distributed Parameter Systems with Fast Transients", AIChE Journal, 59, (12), pp. 4595-4611
  • S. Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2013, "Output Feedback control of dissipative PDE systems with partial sensor information based on adaptive model reduction", AIChE Journal, 59, pp. 747-760
  • M. Demetriou and Antonios Armaou, 2012, "Dynamic on-line nonlinear robust detection and accommodation of incipient component faults for nonlinear dissipative distributed processes", International Journal Robust & Nonlinear Control, 22, (1), pp. 3-23
  • Nael H. El-Farra and Antonios Armaou, 2012, "Fault-tolerant process control", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 22, (1), pp. 1-2
  • Payal Khanna, Eric Weidert, Francisco Vital-Lopez, Antonios Armaou, Costas D Maranas and Cheng Dong, 2011, "Model Simulations Reveal VCAM-1 Augment PAK Activation Rates to Amplifyp38 MAPK and VE-Cadherin Phosphorylation", Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 4, (4), pp. 656-669
  • Francisco G. Vital-Lopez, Antonios Armaou, Michelle Hutnik and Costas D Maranas, 2011, "Modeling the Effect of Chemotaxis on Glioblastoma Tumor Progression", AIChE Journal, 57, (3), pp. 778-792
  • Samira Khalili, Yulan Lin, Antonios Armaou and Themis Matsoukas, 2010, "Constant Number Monte Carlo Simulation of Population Balances with Multiple Growth Mechanisms", AIChE Journal, 56, (12), pp. 3137-3145
  • Sivakumar Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2010, "Output Feedback Control of Distributed Parameter Systems Using Adaptive Proper Orthogonal Decomposition", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49, (21), pp. 10496-10509
  • S. Khalili, J. Monaco and Antonios Armaou, 2010, "Development of a stochastic model for the efficacy of NRTIs using known mechanisms of action", Journal of Theoretical Biology, 265, pp. 704-717
  • C. M. Behrens and Antonios Armaou, 2010, "Optimal design and operation of a spatially distributed multiscale process with regard to layered heterostructure growth", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49, pp. 7891-7900
  • Amit Varshney, Sivakumar Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2009, "Feedback Control of Dissipative PDE Systems using Adaptive Model Reduction", AIChE Journal, 55, (4), pp. 906-918
  • Francisco G. Vital-Lopez, Amit Varshney, Costas D Maranas and Antonios Armaou, 2008, "Implication of dynamics in signal transduction and targeted disruption analyses of signaling networks", Computers & Chemical Engineering, 32, (9), pp. 2065-2071
  • S. Khalili and Antonios Armaou, 2008, "An extracellular stochastic model of early HIV infection and the formulation of optimal treatment policy", Chemical Engineering Science, 63, pp. 4361-4372
  • A. Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2008, "Low-order ODE Approximations and Receding Horizon Control of Surface Roughness During Thin-Film Growth", Chemical Engineering Science, 63, pp. 1246-1260
  • Amit Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2008, "Reduced Order Modeling and Dynamic Optimization of Multiscale PDE/kMC Process Systems", Computers & Chemical Engineering, 32, pp. 2136-2143
  • Antonios Armaou and Michael Demetriou, 2008, "Robust Detection and Accommodation of Incipient Component and Actuator Faults in Nonlinear Distributed Processes", AIChE Journal, 54, pp. 2651-2662
  • Samira Khalili and Antonios Armaou, 2008, "Sensitivity Analysis of HIV Infection Response to Treatment via Stochastic Modeling", Chemical Engineering Science, 63, pp. 1330-1341
  • Amit Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2006, "Identification of macroscopic variables for low-order modeling of thin-film growth", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 45, (25), pp. 8290-8298
  • Francisco G. Vital-Lopez, Antonios Armaou, Evgeni V. Nikolaev and Costas D Maranas, 2006, "A computational procedure for optimal engineering interventions using kinetic models of metabolism", Biotechnology Progress, 22, (6), pp. 1507-1517
  • Antonios Armaou and Michael A. Demetriou, 2006, "Optimal actuator/sensor placement for linear parabolic PDEs usingspatial H-2 norm", Chemical Engineering Science, 61, (22), pp. 7351-7367
  • Panagiotis D. Christofides and Antonios Armaou, 2006, "Control and optimization of multiscale process systems", Computers & Chemical Engineering, 30, (10-12), pp. 1670-1686
  • A Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2006, "Optimal operation of GaN thin film epitaxy employing control vectorparametrization", AIChE Journal, 52, (4), pp. 1378-1391
  • A Bindal, MG Ierapetritou, S Balakrishnan, Antonios Armaou, AG Makeev and IG Kevrekidis, 2006, "Equation-free, coarse-grained computational optimization using timesteppers", Chemical Engineering Science, 61, (2), pp. 779-793
  • A Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2005, "Multiscale optimization using hybrid PDE/kMC process systems with application to thin film growth", Chemical Engineering Science, 60, (23), pp. 6780-6794
  • Antonios Armaou and IG Kevrekidis, 2005, "Equation-free optimal switching policies for bistable reacting systems", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 15, (15), pp. 713-726
  • Antonios Armaou, 2005, "Output feedback control of dissipative distributed processes via microscopic simulations", Computers & Chemical Engineering, 29, (4), pp. 771-782
  • PD Christofides and Antonios Armaou, 2005, "Control of multiscale and distributed process systems - Preface", Computers & Chemical Engineering, 29, (4), pp. 687-688
  • Antonios Armaou, IG Kevrekidis and C Theodoropoulos, 2005, "Equation-free gaptooth-based controller design for distributed complex/multiscale processes", Computers & Chemical Engineering, 29, (4), pp. 731-740
  • Antonios Armaou, CI Siettos and LG Kevrekidis, 2004, "Time-steppers and ‘coarse’ control of distributed microscopic processes", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 14, (2), pp. 89-111
  • NH El-Farra, Antonios Armaou and PD Christofides, 2003, "Analysis and control of parabolic PDE systems with input constraints", Automatica, 39, (4), pp. 715-725
  • N. El-Farra, Antonios Armaou and P. D. Christofides, 2003, "Analysis and Control of Parabolic PDE Systems with Input Constraints", Automatica, 39, pp. 715-725
  • C. I. Siettos, Antonios Armaou, P. D. Makeev and I. G. Kevrekidis, 2003, "Microscopic/Stochastic Timesteppers and Coarse Control: a kinetic Monte Carlo Example", AIChE Journal, 49, pp. 1922-1926
  • Antonios Armaou and Panagiotis D. Christofides, 2002, "Dynamic optimization of dissipative PDE systems using nonlinear order reduction", Chemical Engineering Science, 57, (24), pp. 5083-5114

Conference Proceedings

  • Gbolahan P Dada and Antonios Armaou, 2021, "Reduced-order observers for LTI systems with noisy measurements via Generalized SVD", pp. 6
  • Gbolahan P Dada and Antonios Armaou, 2021, "GSVD Information Filter for Discrete-Time Linear Dynamic Systems with Gross Errors", pp. 304-309
  • Davood Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2020, "Control of semilinear dissipative distributed parameter systems with minimum feedback information", pp. 2685-2691
  • Gbolahan P Dada and Antonios Armaou, 2020, "Generalized SVD reduced-order observers for Nonlinear systems", pp. 3473-3478
  • Yizhou Fang and Antonios Armaou, 2019, "Pairing Moving Horizon Estimation and Model Predictive Control via Carleman Approximation for Output Feedback Control", pp. 716-722
  • Zheng Rao, Lei Zhao, W Yun and Antonios Armaou, 2019, "Gene regulatory network construction and key gene recognition of diabetic nephropathy", Proceedings of IEEE 7th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, pp. 1-7
  • Manda Yang and Antonios Armaou, 2018, "Dissipative distributed parameter systems on-line reduction and control using DEIM/APOD combination", pp. 2557–2562
  • Yizhou Fang and Antonios Armaou, 2018, "A Mathematics Approach to Improve the Computational Efficiency of Economic-oriented Model Predictive Control", pp. 753-759
  • Manda Y and Antonios Armaou, 2018, "Adaptive model reduction and control for distributed parameter systems using DEIM/DAPOD combination", Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pp. 610-613
  • Negar Hashemian and Antonios Armaou, 2017, "Stochastic MPC Design for a Two-Component Granulation Process", pp. 4386-4391
  • Yizhou Fang and Antonios Armaou, 2016, "A Formulation of Advanced-step Bilinear Carleman Approximation-based Nonlinear Model Predictive Control", 55, pp. 4027-4032
  • Negar Hashemian and Antonios Armaou, 2016, "Development of a reduced order model for bi-component granulation processes via laguerre polynomials", pp. 3668-3673
  • D. B. Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2016, "Spatiotemporal response shaping of diffusion-reaction processes using adaptive reduced order models", pp. 4157-4162
  • Manda Yang and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "Feedback control of semi-linear distributed parameter systems using advanced POD method", pp. 4680-4687
  • Negar Hashemian and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "Fast Moving Horizon Estimation of Nonlinear Processes via Carleman Linearization", pp. 3379-3385
  • Yizhou Fang and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using a Bilinear Carleman linearization-based Formulation for Chemical Processes", pp. 5629-5634
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "Wave motion suppression in the presence of unknown parameters using recursively updated empirical basis functions", pp. 2619-2624
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "Low-dimensional adaptive output feedback controller design for transport-reaction processes", pp. 879-884
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2015, "Adaptive Control of Chemical Distributed Parameter Systems", pp. 682-687
  • S Xu, P Srinivasan and Antonios Armaou, 2014, "Optimization of interruptions in HIV treatment using a multiscale mechanistic model", pp. 3029-3034
  • L. Lao, M. Ellis, Antonios Armaou and P. D. Christofides, 2014, "Economic Model Predictive Control of Parabolic PDE Systems: Handling State Constraints by Adaptive Proper Orthogonal Decomposition", pp. 2758-2763
  • Antonios Armaou and M Demetriou, 2014, "Optimal sensor placement and scheduling of hybrid PDEs arising in environmental and meteorological applications", pp. MoA05.2
  • D B Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2014, "A refined adaptive model reduction approach for fast evolving distributed parameter systems", pp. MoA05.5
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2014, "Output tracking of spatiotemporal thermal dynamics in transport-reaction processes via adaptive model reduction", pp. 3352-3358
  • Liangfeng Lao, Matthew Ellis, Antonios Armaou and Panagiotis D. Christofides, 2014, "Economic Model Predictive Control of Parabolic PDE Systems Using Empirical Eigenfunctions", pp. 3375-3380
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2014, "Feedback control of linear distributed parameter systems via adaptive model reduction in the presence of device network communication constraints", pp. 1667-1673
  • Michael A. Demetriou and Antonios Armaou, 2014, "Frequency domain methods for optimal sensor placement and scheduling of spatially distributed systems arising in environmental and meteorological applications", pp. 4056-4062
  • Samira Khalili and Antonios Armaou, 2013, "A hybrid stochastic/deterministic model of intracellular HIV infection dynamics and estimation of viral production parameters", pp. 1519-1524
  • Davood Babaei Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, 2013, "Control of dissipative partial differential equation systems using APOD-based dynamic observer designs", pp. 502-508
  • Sivakumar Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2011, "Predictive control of PDEs via adaptive reduced order modeling", pp. 2004-2009
  • Ali Rahnamoun and Antonios Armaou, 2011, "A Nonlinear Predictive Control of Processes with Multiscale Objectives using a Fuzzy-System Identification Approach", pp. 4976-4981
  • Francisco G. Vital-Lopez, Costas D Maranas and Antonios Armaou, 2011, "Modeling the Effect of Temozolomide Treatment on Orthotopic Models of Glioma", pp. 2969-2974
  • Sivakumar Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2010, "Output feedback control of the FitzHugh-Nagumo equation using adaptive model reduction", pp. 864-869
  • Antonios Armaou and Michael A. Demetriou, 2010, "Towards optimal actuator placement for dissipative PDE systems in the presence of uncertainty", pp. 5662-5667
  • S. Khalili and Antonios Armaou, 2010, "Estimation of efficacy of HIV nucleoside-analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor AZT via stochastic modeling", pp. 2369-2374
  • S. Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2010, "Robust controller design based on adaptive model reduction for parabolic PDE systems", pp. 2181-2187
  • F. G. Vital-Lopez, Antonios Armaou and C. D. Maranas, 2010, "Three dimensional multi-scale modeling of brain tumor progression", Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pp. 1767-1771
  • Antonios Armaou, 2009, "A predictive control method for nonlinear parabolic PDE systems", pp. 2375-2380
  • Antonios Armaou and Michael A. Demetriou, 2009, "Dynamic fault detection and accommodation for dissipative distributed processes", pp. 1517-1522
  • Sivakumar Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2009, "Feedback control of dissipative PDE systems in the presence of uncertainty and noise using extended Kalman filter", pp. 2464-2469
  • Christopher M. Behrens and Antonios Armaou, 2009, "Optimal design and operation of a multiscale GaAs/AlAs deposition process", pp. 4785-4790
  • Sivakumar Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2009, "Robust control of dissipative PDE systems in the presence of uncertainty using adaptive model reduction", pp. 498-503
  • Antonios Armaou and Michael A. Demetriou, 2008, "Integrated actuator placement and fault tolerant controller design for a class of distributed parameter systems", pp. 948-954
  • Amit Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2008, "Nonlinear control of dissipative PDE systems employing adaptive model reduction", pp. 940-947
  • Sivakumar Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2008, "Online system-identification using subspace algorithms for the control of microscopic processes", pp. 4413-4418
  • S. Pitchaiah and Antonios Armaou, 2008, "Adaptive Model Reduction for Output Feedback Control of dissipative PDE systems", pp. SSDemi3.1
  • F. G. Vital-Lopez, Antonios Armaou and C. Maranas, 2008, "Hybrid multi-scale modeling of brain tumor progression", pp. RSBioSystems.2
  • Antonios Armaou and M. Demetriou, 2008, "Redesign-free fault-tolerant control systems for a class of reaction-diffusion systems", pp. SSDemi3.4
  • Amit Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2007, "Dynamic optimization of multiscale PDE/kMC process systems using nonlinear order reduction and tabulation techniques", pp. 3540-3546
  • Michael A. Demetriou and Antonios Armaou, 2007, "Robust detection and accommodation of incipient component faults in nonlinear distributed processes", pp. 657-662
  • Samira Khalili and Antonios Armaou, 2007, "Scheduling of optimal medication strategies for early HIV infection", pp. 4508-4513
  • Francisco G. Vital-Lopez, Costas D Maranas and Antonios Armaou, 2006, "Bifurcation analysis of the metabolism of E-coli at optimal enzyme levels", pp. 3439-3444
  • Amit Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2006, "Dynamic optimization of stochastic systems using in situ adaptive tabulation", pp. 3098-3104
  • Samira Khalili and Antonios Armaou, 2006, "Sensitivity analysis of HIV infection response to treatment", pp. 2069-2075
  • Antonios Armaou and Michael A. Demetriou, 2006, "Spatial controllability and multiple actuator placement for dissipative partial differential equation systems", pp. 1473-1480
  • Antonios Armaou and Michael A. Demetriou, 2006, "Using spatial H-2 norm for sensor placement in parabolic partial differential equations", pp. 1467-1472
  • P. D. Christofides and Antonios Armaou, 2006, "Control and optimization of multiscale process systems", pp. 15 pages
  • A. Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2006, "Feedback control of surface roughness during thin-film growth using approximate low-order ODE models", pp. 3652-3659
  • A. Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2006, "Identification of macroscopic process observables for thin-film growth", pp. 2140-2146
  • Antonios Armaou, 2005, "Microscopic simulations and nonlinear control of dissipative distributed processes", pp. 4575-4582
  • MA Demetriou and Antonios Armaou, 2005, "Optimal actuator placement and model reduction for a class of parabolic partial differential equations using spatial H-2 norm", pp. 4569-4574
  • A Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2005, "Optimization of thin film growth using multiscale process systems", pp. 2559-2565
  • A. Varshney and Antonios Armaou, 2005, "Optimal operation of thin film growth with multiscale process objectives", pp. 6 pages
  • E. V. Nikolaev, P. Pharkya, C. D. Maranas and Antonios Armaou, 2005, "Optimal selection of enzyme levels using large scale kinetic models", pp. 6 pages
  • Antonios Armaou, 2004, "Continuous-time control of distributed processes via microscopic simulations", pp. 933-939
  • Antonios Armaou and A Varshney, 2004, "Dynamic optimization of dissipative PDEs using control vector parameterization: Application to GaN thin film epitaxy", pp. 279-286
  • Antonios Armaou, IG Kevrekidis and C Theodoropoulos, 2004, "The gaptooth scheme, patch dynamics and equation-free controller design for distributed complex multiscale processes", pp. 926-932
  • Antonios Armaou, S Dubljevic and PD Christofides, 2003, "Computation of empirical eigenfunctions and order reduction for control of time-dependent parabolic PDEs", pp. 2089-2096
  • Antonios Armaou and IG Kevrekidis, 2003, "Optimal switching policies using coarse timesteppers.", pp. 5508-5513
  • Antonios Armaou, CI Siettos and IG Kevrekidis, 2003, "Time-steppers and coarse-grained control of microscopic distributedprocesses", pp. 1328-1334
  • Manda Y, linxi wang, Robert M Rioux and Antonios Armaou, , "Characterization of isothermal CO2 sorption columns by simultaneous spatiotemporal modeling of transient capacity and heat flow", Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, pp. 503-506
  • Davood Pourkargar and Antonios Armaou, , "Control of dissipative distributed parameter systems via on-demand model order reduction", pp. 7

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:

  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Director, AIChE director, American Automatic Control Council, January 2022 - December 2022
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Director, AIChE alternate director, American Automatic Control Council, January 2021 - December 2021



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