Janna Maranas Research Group

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Publication highlights
[More publications...]

Review article on polymer blend dynamics [link]

Interaction of peptides with inorganic surfaces [link]

A new motion in solid polymer electrolytes [link]


Maria Antonieta Sanchez Farran

Maria Antonieta Sanchez FarranFulbright Fellow

Email: mfarran@engr.psu.edu

Office address:
115 Fenske Laboratory
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, 16802

Undergraduate degree
- Chemical Engineering
BSc Chemical Engineering, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile (1997-2003)
MSc Production Engineering, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile (2004-2006)

Hobbies and interests:
Play and watch soccer, art crafts, read books about ancient history and global economics, listen to music, and most importantly have a nice time with friends!

Duration in group: 2007 - Present

Research Summary: Protein aggregation and neurodegenerative diseases
My work focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms by which proteins aggregate in the brain. Protein aggregation is the main hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Huntingtons among many others. I plan to use a combined approach of molecular dynamics simulation and neutron scattering experiments in order to study the mechanisms of formation of early amyloid-? aggregates, which are thought to involve the toxic structures that are found in the brain of Alzheimers disease patients.

Amyloid-beta protein

Website designed by Kokonad Sinha © Janna Maranas Research Group
Department of Chemical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University