Photo of Ali Borhan

Ali Borhan



  • Chemical Engineering

308 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Areas:

Interfaces and Surfaces; Separations and Transport

Interest Areas:

Fluid dynamics and hydrodynamic stability of multi-phase systems, interfacial transport phenomena, complex fluids.





Journal Articles

  • P. Motevalian, M. Sanchez Farran, J. Ultman and A. Borhan, 2025, "A semi-analytical dosimetry model for inspiratory flow of reactive gases in the lung", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 142, pp. 115989
  • R. Bascom, M. Kim, S. Royce, Z. Bitzer, S. Borhan, P. Go, R. Mahraj, N. Rassaei, M. Vogt, J. S. Ultman, J. Bourke and A. Borhan, 2025, "Patient-specific tracheal deformation, predicted toxicant uptake and histopathology in lung fibrosis", Hygiene & Environmental Health Advances, 13, pp. 100117
  • B. Keshavarzi, M. Sanchez Farran, J. S. Ultman and A. Borhan, 2025, "Ozone uptake during inspiratory flow in a primate lung: comparison of three-dimensional and axisymmetric single-path models", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 64, (4), pp. 2406-2415
  • M. Kim and A. Borhan, 2024, "Mass transfer in developing flow of a reactive mixture through a curved cylindrical tube", Physical Review E, 110, (5), pp. 055101
  • M. Sanchez-Farran, A. Borhan, A. Sen and V. Crespi, 2024, "A chemical mechanism for the bistable-to-oscillatory transition in colloidal aggregates of silver phosphate", ChemSystemsChem, 6, (5), pp. e202400024
  • A. Jaberi, A. Kedzierski, S. Kheirabadi, Z. Ataie, S. Zavari, M. Naghashnejad, O. Waldron, D. Adhikari, G. Lester, C. Gallagher, E. Tabdanov, A. Borhan, D. Ravnic and A. Sheikhi, 2024, "Engineering microgel packing to tailor the physical and biological properties of gelatin methacryloyl granular hydrogel scaffolds", Advanced Healthcare Materials, 13, (25), pp. 2470158
  • M. Naghashnejad, G. Ghajar, L. C. Fernandez, D. Roush, A. Borhan and A. L. Zydney, 2024, "Effect of density variations and buoyancy on flow in small-scale depth filter capsules", Journal of Membrane Science, 702, pp. 122749
  • M. Naghashnejad, Y. T. Lin, E. Panides, J. Banerjee, S. Kim and A. Borhan, 2024, "Hydrodynamic force on a hemispheroidal particle attached to a planar surface in linear shear flow", Powder Technology, 434, pp. 119352
  • A. Sapre, N. S. Mandal, A. Sumasundar, A. Bhide, J. Song, A. Borhan and A. Sen, 2024, "Enzyme catalysis causes fluid flow, motility, and directional transport on supported lipid bilayers", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, (7), pp. 9380–9387
  • M. Hook, M. Janik, A. Borhan and M. Klanchar, 2023, "Modeling hydrogen generation from hydroreactive chemical hydrides", Proceedings of the 49th Power Sources Conference, Washington, DC
  • M. Kim and A. Borhan, 2023, "Critical conditions for development of a second pair of Dean vortices in curved microfluidic channels", Physical Review E, 107, (5), pp. 055103
  • Y. T. Lin, H. He, H. Kaya, H. Liu, D. Ngo, N. Smith, J. Banerjee, A. Borhan and S. Kim, 2022, "Photothermal AFM-IR analysis of high extinction coefficient materials: A case study with silica and silicate glasses", Analytical Chemistry, 94, (13), pp. 5231-5239
  • N. Nejatishahidein, M. Kim, S. Y. Jung, E. Espah Borujeni, L. C. Fernandez, D. Roush, A. Borhan and A. L. Zydney, 2022, "Scale-up issues for commercial depth filters in bioprocessing", Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 119, (4), pp. 1105-1114
  • S. Y. Jung, N. Nejatishahidein, M. Kim, E. Espah Borujeni, L. C. Fernandez, D. Roush, A. Borhan and A. L. Zydney, 2021, "Quantitative interpretation of protein breakthrough curves in small-scale depth filter modules for bioprocessing", J. Membrane Sci., 627, pp. 119217
  • I. Chae, S. Bokhari, X. Chen, R. Zu, K. Liu, A. Borhan, V. Gopalan, G. Catchmark and S. Kim, 2021, "Shear-induced unidirectional deposition of bacterial cellulose microfibrils using rising bubble stream cultivation", Carbohydrate Polymers, 255, pp. 117328
  • S. Borhan, P. Motevalian, J. Ultman, R. Bascom and A. Borhan, 2021, "A patient-specific model of reactive air pollutant uptake in proximal airways of the lung: effect of tracheal deviation", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 91, pp. 58-73
  • M. Kim, N. Nejatishahidein, E. Espah Borujeni, D. Roush, A. L. Zydney and A. Borhan, 2021, "Flow and residence time distribution in small-scale dual-layer depth filter capsules", J. Membrane Sci., 617, pp. 118625
  • M. Sanchez-Farran, A. Borhan, A. Sen and V. Crespi, 2020, "Coupling Between Colloidal Assemblies Can Drive a Bistable-to-Oscillatory Transition", ChemSystemsChem, 2, pp. e1900036
  • M. Bell and A. Borhan, 2020, "A Volume-Corrected Wenzel Model", ACS Omega, 5, (15), pp. 10
  • M. N. Richards, M. Bell, R. Srinivasan, A. Borhan and R. Nagarajan, 2019, "An approximate analytical approach to estimate the diffusivity of toxic chemicals in polymer barrier materials from the time evolution of sessile drop profiles", 76, pp. 25
  • S. P. Motevalian, S. Aro, H. Cheng, T. Day, A. van Duin, J. Badding and A. Borhan, 2018, "Kinetics of silane decomposition in high-pressure confined chemical vapor deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 56, (51), pp. 14995-15000
  • A. Altemose, M. Sanchez-Farran, W. Duan, S. Shulz, A. Borhan, V. Crespi and A. Sen, 2017, "Chemically controlled spatiotemporal oscillations of colloidal assemblies", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, pp. 7817-7821
  • M. Khorrami, M. Antensteiner, F. Fallahianbijan, A. Borhan and M. Abidian, 2017, "Conducting polymer microcontainers for biomedical applications", Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 1869-1872
  • M. Antensteiner, M. Khorrami, F. Fallahianbijan, A. Borhan and M. Abidian, 2017, "Conducting polymer microcups for organic bioelectronics and drug delivery applications (Cover Article)", Advanced Materials, 29, pp. 1702576
  • S. Yazdi and A. Borhan, 2017, "Effect of a planar interface on time-averaged locomotion of a spherical squirmer in a viscoelastic fluid", Phys. Fluids, 29, (9), pp. 93104-93115
  • M. Bell, K. A. Fitchorn and A. Borhan, 2016, "Effect of Gravity on the Configuration of Droplets on Two-Dimensional Physically Patterned Surfaces", Langmuir, 32, (16), pp. 3858-3866
  • S. P. Motevalian, A. Borhan, H. Zhou and A. L. Zydney, 2016, "Twisted Hollow Fiber Membranes for Enhanced Mass Transfer", J. Membrane Sci., 514, pp. 886-594
  • M. Bell, A. Shahraz, K. A. Fitchorn and A. Borhan, 2015, "Effects of hierarchical surface roughness on droplet contact angle", Langmuir, 31, (24), pp. 6752-6762
  • A. Nourhani, P. E. Lammert, V. Crespi and A. Borhan, 2015, "A general flux-based analysis for spherical electrocatalytic nanomotors", Phys. Fluids, 27, (1), pp. 012001
  • A. Nourhani, V. Crespi, P. E. Lammert and A. Borhan, 2015, "Self-electrophoresis of spheroidal electrocatalytic swimmers", Phys. Fluids, 27, (9), pp. 092002
  • S. Yazdi, A. Ardekani and A. Borhan, 2015, "Swimming dynamics near a wall in a weakly elastic fluid", J. Nonlinear Sci., 25, (5), pp. 1153-1167
  • A. Shahraz, A. Borhan and K. Fichthorn, 2014, "Kinetics of droplet wetting mode transitions on grooved surfaces: forward flux sampling.", Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 30, (51), pp. 15442-50
  • S. Yazdi, A. M. Ardekani and A. Borhan, 2014, "Locomotion of microorganisms near a no-slip boundary in a viscoelastic fluid.", Phys. Rev. E, 90, (4), pp. 043002
  • A. Nourhani, P. Lammert, A. Borhan and V. Crespi, 2014, "Kinematic matrix theory and universalities in self-propellers and active swimmers.", Phys. Rev. E, 89, (6), pp. 062304
  • E. Almatroushi and A. Borhan, 2014, "Coalescence of viscous drops translating through a capillary tube", Heat & Mass Trans., 50, pp. 341-350
  • N. R. Gupta, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2014, "Effect of free surface heat transfer on thermocapillary flow in double-layer fluid structures", Heat & Mass Transfer, 50, pp. 333-339
  • H. F. Wu, K. A. Fitchorn and A. Borhan, 2014, "An atomistic-continuum hybrid scheme for numerical simulation of droplet spreading on solid surfaces", Heat & Mass Transfer, 50, pp. 351-361
  • S. Mahesri, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2014, "Effect of interface deformability on thermocapillary motion of a drop in a tube", Heat & Mass Trans., 50, pp. 363-372
  • A. Nourhani, Y. M. Byun, P. Lammert, A. Borhan and V. Crespi, 2013, "Nanomotor mechanisms and motive force distributions from nanorotor trajectories.", Phys. Rev. E, 88, (6), pp. 062317
  • A. Shahraz, A. Borhan and K. A. Fichthorn, 2013, "Wetting on physically patterned solid surfaces: the relevance of molecular dynamics simulations to macroscopic systems.", Langmuir, 29, (37), pp. 11632-9
  • P. Fattahi, A. Borhan and M. Abidian, 2013, "Microencapsulation of chemotherapeutics into monodisperse and tunable biodegradable polymers via electrified liquid jets: control of size, shape, and drug release (Cover Article)", Advanced Materials, 25, (33), pp. 4555-60
  • A. Nourhani, P. Lammert, A. Borhan and V. Crespi, 2013, "Chiral diffusion of rotary nanomotors.", Phys. Rev. E, 87, (5), pp. 050301
  • P. Fattahi, Ali Borhan and M. R. Abidian, 2013, "Characterization of the size, shape, and drug encapsulation efficiency of PLGA microcapsules produced via electrojetting for drug delivery to brain tumors", Proceedings of IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering (NER), pp. 953-956
  • A. Shahraz, A. Borhan and K. A. Fichthorn, 2012, "A theory for the morphological dependence of wetting on a physically patterned solid surface.", Langmuir, 28, (40), pp. 14227-37
  • N. F. Baril, R. He, T. D. Day, J. R. Sparks, B. Keshavarzi, M. Krishnamurthi, A. Borhan, V. Gopalan, A. C. Peacock, N. Healy, P. J. Sazio and J. Badding, 2012, "Confined high-pressure chemical deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon.", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, (1), pp. 19-22
  • H. F. Wu*, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2012, "Stability of the shape of a translating viscoelastic drop at low Reynolds number", Phys. Fluids, 24, pp. 15
  • N. F. Baril, R. He, T. D. Day, J. R. Sparks, B. Keshavarzi, M. Krishnamurthy, A. Borhan, V. Gopalan, P. J. A. Sazio and J. V. Badding, 2012, "High pressure deposition of amorphous hydrogenated silicon in confined geometries", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, pp. 19-22
  • E. Almatroushi, S. Werber and A. Borhan, 2011, "Breakup of surfactant-laden drops in pressure-driven flow through square channels", Int. J. Trans. Phen., 12, (3/4), pp. 211-216
  • A. D. Fick, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2011, "Numerical simulation of buoyancy-driven motion of drops in a tube using a hybrid VOF-level set method", Int. J. Trans. Phen., 12, (3/4), pp. 177-187
  • B. Keshavarzi, J. S. Ultman and A. Borhan, 2011, "Numerical simulation of ozone uptake in the respiratory tract during steady inspiratory flow", Int. J. Trans. Phen., 12, (1/2), pp. 13-24
  • N. F. Baril, B. Keshavarzi, J. R. Sparks, M. Krishnamurthi, I. Temnykh, P. J. Sazio, A. C. Peacock, A. Borhan, V. Gopalan and J. Badding, 2010, "High-pressure chemical deposition for void-free filling of extreme aspect ratio templates.", Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.), 22, (41), pp. 4605-11
  • H. Wu, A. Borhan and K. A. Fichthorn, 2010, "Interaction of fluids with physically patterned solid surfaces.", The Journal of chemical physics, 133, (5), pp. 054704
  • H. Wu, A. Borhan and K. A. Fichthorn, 2010, "Coarse-grained interaction of a fluid with a physically-patterned solid surface: Application to nanodroplet wetting", J. Low Temp. Phys., 157, (3), pp. 277-295
  • N. F. Baril, B. Keshavarzi, J. Sparks, M. Krishnamurthy, I. Temnykh, P. J. A. Sazio, A. C. Peacock, A. Borhan, V. Gopalan and J. V. Badding, 2010, "High pressure Chemical Deposition for Void-Free Filling of Extreme Aspect Ratio Templates", Adv. Materials, 22, (41), pp. 4605-4611
  • A. Padaki, J. S. Ultman and A. Borhan, 2009, "Ozone Uptake During Inspiratory Flow in a Model of the Larynx, Trachea and Primary Bronchial Bifurcation.", Chemical engineering science, 64, (22), pp. 4640-4648
  • E. Al-Matroushi and A. Borhan, 2009, "Coalescence of drops and bubbles rising through a non-Newtonian fluid in a tube.", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1161, pp. 225-33
  • R. You, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2009, "Confined drop motion in viscoelastic two-phase systems", Phys. Fluids, 21
  • R. You, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2009, "Stability analysis of cusped bubbles in viscoelastic flows", J. Fluid Mech., 621, pp. 131-154
  • S. Madasu, J. S. Ultman and A. Borhan, 2008, "Comparison of axisymmetric and three-dimensional models for gas uptake in a single bifurcation during steady expiration.", Journal of biomechanical engineering, 130, (1), pp. 011013
  • R. You, A. Borhan and H. Haj-Hariri, 2008, "A finite volume formulation for simulating drop motion in a viscoelastic two-phase system", J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 153, (2/3), pp. 109-129
  • N. R. Gupta, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2007, "Thermocapillary convection in double-layer fluid structures within a two-dimensional open cavity.", Journal of colloid and interface science, 315, (1), pp. 237-47
  • S. Madasu, A. Borhan and J Ultman, 2007, "Gas uptake in a three-generation model geometry with a flat inlet velocity during steady inspiration: comparison of axisymmetric and three-dimensional models.", Inhalation toxicology, 19, (6-7), pp. 495-503
  • S. Madasu, A. Borhan and J. S. Ultman, 2007, "Gas uptake in a three-generation model geometry during steady expiration: comparison of axisymmetric and three-dimensional models.", Inhalation toxicology, 19, (3), pp. 199-210; discussion 211-2
  • A. B. Taylor, A. Borhan and J. S. Ultman, 2007, "Three-dimensional simulations of reactive gas uptake in single airway bifurcations.", Annals of biomedical engineering, 35, (2), pp. 235-49
  • K. Y. Chan and A. Borhan, 2006, "Spontaneous spreading of surfactant-bearing drops in the sorption-controlled limit.", Journal of colloid and interface science, 302, (1), pp. 374-7
  • E. Almatroushi and A. Borhan, 2006, "Coalescence of bubbles translating through a tube.", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1077, pp. 508-26
  • N. R. Gupta, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2006, "Double-layer thermocapillary convection in a differentially heated cavity.", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1077, pp. 395-414
  • A. D. Fick and A. Borhan, 2006, "Numerical simulation of the spontaneous penetration of liquids into cylindrical capillaries.", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1077, pp. 426-42
  • S. Madasu, A. Borhan and J. S. Ultman, 2006, "An axisymmetric single-path model for gas transport in the conducting airways.", Journal of biomechanical engineering, 128, (1), pp. 69-75
  • N. R. Gupta, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2006, "Thermocapillary flow in double-layer fluid structures: an effective single-layer model.", Journal of colloid and interface science, 293, (1), pp. 158-71
  • A. Nadim and A. Borhan, 2006, "Confined motion of a long bubble through a power-law fluid", Applied Mathematics Research eXpress, 2006, pp. 1-11
  • E. Almatroushi and A. Borhan, 2006, "Interaction and coalescence of drops and bubbles rising through a tube", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45, (1), pp. 398-406
  • K. Y. Chan and A. Borhan, 2005, "Surfactant-assisted spreading of a liquid drop on a smooth solid surface.", Journal of colloid and interface science, 287, (1), pp. 233-48
  • E. Almatroushi and A. Borhan, 2004, "Surfactant effect on the buoyancy-driven motion of bubbles and drops in a tube.", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1027, pp. 330-41
  • Ronald Johnson and Ali Borhan, 2003, "Pressure-driven motion of surfactant-laden drops through cylindrical capillaries: effect of surfactant solubility.", Journal of colloid and interface science, 261, (2), pp. 529-41
  • N R Gupta, A Nadim, H Haj-Hariri and Ali Borhan, 2002, "A numerical study of the effect of insoluble surfactants on the stability of a viscous drop translating in a Hele-Shaw cell.", Journal of colloid and interface science, 252, (1), pp. 236-48
  • N R Gupta, A Nadim, H Haj-Hariri and Ali Borhan, 2000, "Stability of the Shape of a Viscous Drop under Buoyancy-Driven Translation in a Hele-Shaw Cell.", Journal of colloid and interface science, 222, (1), pp. 107-116
  • R. A. Johnson and Ali Borhan, 2000, "The effect of surfactants on the stability of the shape of translating drops at low Reynolds number", Phys. Fluids, 12, (4), pp. 773-784
  • N. R. Gupta, A. Nadim, H. Haj-Hariri and A. Borhan, 2000, "The stability of the shape of viscous drops translating through a Hele-Shaw cell", J. Colloid Interface Sci., 222, pp. 107-116
  • Ronald Johnson and Ali Borhan, 1999, "Effect of Insoluble Surfactants on the Pressure-Driven Motion of a Drop in a Tube in the Limit of High Surface Coverage.", Journal of colloid and interface science, 218, (1), pp. 184-200
  • N R Gupta, A Nadim, H Haj-Hariri and Ali Borhan, 1999, "On the Linear Stability of a Circular Drop Translating in a Hele-Shaw Cell.", Journal of colloid and interface science, 218, (1), pp. 338-340
  • Ali Borhan and J. Pallinti, 1999, "Breakup of drops and bubbles translating through cylindrical capillaries", Phys. Fluids, 11, (10), pp. 2846-2855
  • Ali Borhan and J. Pallinti, 1998, "Pressure-driven motion of drops and bubbles through cylindrical capillaries: effect of buoyancy", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 37, (9), pp. 3748-3759
  • Q. Shi, H. Haj-Hariri and Ali Borhan, 1997, "Thermocapillary motion of deformable drops at finite Reynolds and Marangoni numbers", Phys. Fluids, 9, (4), pp. 845-855
  • E. Almatroushi and A. Borhan, , "Interaction and coalescence of drops and bubbles in pressure-driven flow through a tube", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

Conference Proceedings

  • E. Almatroushi and A. Borhan, 2011, "Interaction and coalescence of viscous drops translating through a capillary tube", Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena VII: Fluid, Thermal, Biological, Materials and Space Sciences
  • B. Keshavarzi, J. S. Ultman and A. Borhan, 2009, "Numerical prediction of the focal sites of ozone-induced tissue injury in the respiratory tract", WIT Press, pp. 123-132
  • S. Madasu and A. Borhan, 2008, "Spreading of a surfactant-bearing drop on a rigid solid: a two-dimensional finite element model", Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada
  • S. Madasu and A. Borhan, 2007, "Spreading of a clean drop on a rigid solid: a two-dimensional finite element model", Proc. 15th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada
  • S. Madasu, A. Borhan and J. S. Ultman, 2006, "Gas absorption is single airway bifurcations during expiration", Proc. 14th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada
  • J. V. Badding, P. J. A. Sazio, A. Amezcua Correa, T. J. Scheidemantel, C. E. Finlayson, N. F. Baril, D.-J. Won, H. Fang, B. Jackson, A. Borhan and V. Gopalan, 2005, "Fabrication of extreme aspect ratio wires within photonic crystal fibers", Proc. SPIE 6005, 60050I
  • H. Haj-Hariri and Ali Borhan, 1998, "Time-dependent thermally-driven interfacial flow in multi-layered fluid structures", pp. 289-294
  • M. Hemmat and Ali Borhan, 1997, "Deformation of viscous drops in flow through sinusoidally constricted capillaries", Transactions on Modelling and Simulation, 17, pp. 275-284

Research Projects

Honors and Awards

  • Lawrence J. Perez Student Advocate Award, Penn State Engineering Society, 2014
  • Graduate Faculty Teaching Award, Penn State university, 2012
  • Premier Teaching Award, Penn State Engineering Society, 2007
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, Penn State Engineering Society, 1995


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




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Department of Chemical Engineering

121 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building

The Pennsylvania State University

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