Photo of Wayne Curtis

Wayne Curtis



  • Chemical Engineering

409 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Google Scholar Profile

Research Areas:

Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology; Energy and Environment

Interest Areas:

Bioprocess Design and Optimization: Chemical production and protein expression from plant tissue cultures, bioreactor design for non-traditional fermentation, plant genetic engineering





Journal Articles

  • Marena Trauger, April Hile, Krishnan Sreenivas, Eva Mei Shouse, Jishnu Bhatt, Tina Lai, Ramya Mohandass, Leena Tripathi, Aaron Ogden and Wayne R Curtis, 2022, "CO2 supplementation eliminates sugar-rich media requirement for plant propagation using a simple inexpensive temporary immersion photobioreactor, Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture", Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 150, pp. 57–71
  • Wayne R Curtis, 2021, "Genome analysis of alginate synthesizing Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain SW1 isolated from degraded seaweeds", Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 114, pp. 2205–2217
  • Dušan Velickovic, Rosalie K. Chu, Corinna Henkel, Annika Nyhuis, Nannan Tao, Jennifer E. Kyle, Joshua N. Adkins, Christopher R. Anderton, Vanessa Paurus, Kent Bloodsworth, Lisa M. Bramer, Dale S. Cornett, Wayne R Curtis and Kristin E. Burnum-Johnson, 2021, "Preserved and variable spatial-chemical changes of lipids across tomato leaves in response to central vein wounding reveals potential origin of linolenic acid in signal transduction cascade", Plant-Environment Interactions, 2, (1), pp. 8
  • Michihito Deguchi, Shriya Kane, Shobha Potlakayala, Hannah George, Renata Proano, Vijay Sheri, Wayne R Curtis and Sairam V Rudrabhatla, 2020, "Metabolic Engineering Strategies of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.): A Brief Review of the Advances and Challenges", Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, pp. 11
  • Aaron J. Ogden, Wardatou Boukari, Alba Nava, Natalia Lucinda, Garry Sunter, Wayne R Curtis, Joshua N. Adkins and Jane E. Polston, 2020, "Characterization of local and systemic impact of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) feeding and whiteflytransmitted tomato mottle virus infection on tomato leaves by comprehensive proteomics", International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, (19), pp. 1-24
  • Aaron J. Ogden, Jishnu J. Bhatt, Heather M. Brewer, Jack Kintigh, Samwel M. Kariuki, Sairam V Rudrabhatla, Joshua N. Adkins and Wayne R Curtis, 2020, "Phloem exudate protein profiles during drought and recovery reveal abiotic stress responses in tomato vasculature", International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, (12), pp. 1-20
  • Sergio L Florez, Morgan E Shires, Tina SL Lai and Wayne R Curtis, 2017, "Inducible somatic embryogenesis in Threobroma cacao achieved using the DEX-activatable transcription factor-glucocorticoid receptor fusion", Biotechnology Letters
  • Jun Wang, Theresa , Pierre , John McGowen and Wayne R Curtis, 2016, "A preliminary implementation of metabolic-based pH control to reduce CO2 usage in outdoor flat-panel photobioreactor cultivation of Nannochloropsis oceanica microalgae", Algal Research, 18
  • Mustafa Erbakan, Brandon S Curtis, B. Tracy Nixon, Manish Kumar and Wayne R Curtis, 2015, "Advancing Rhodobacter sphaeroides as a platform for expression of functional membrane proteins", Protein Expression and Purification, 115, pp. 109-117
  • Nymul E Khan, S. Eric Nybo, Joe Chappell and Wayne R Curtis, 2015, "Triterpene hydrocarbon production engineered into a metabolically versatile host--Rhodobacter capsulatus", Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 112, (8), pp. 10
  • Trevor R Zuroff, Andrew C Tolonen, Mohandass Ramya and Wayne R Curtis, 2015, "Physiology, genomics, and pathway engineering of an ethanol tolerant strain of Clostridium phytofermentans", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 81, (24), pp. 29
  • Selvaraju Gayathri Devi, Sudhakar Radha, Anwar Aliya Fatima, Wayne R Curtis and Ramya Mohandass, 2015, "A rapid and economical method for efficient DNA extraction from various soils and sediments suitable for metagenomic applications", PLOS one, 10, (7)
  • Steven Eric Nybo, Nymul Kahn, Benjamin M. Woolston and Wayne R Curtis, 2015, "Metabolic engineering in chemolithoautotrophic hosts for the production of fuels and chemicals", Metabolic Engineering, 30, pp. 16
  • Kristin M. O'Neill, Anne M. Schilthuis, Calvin A. Leiter, Kurt M. Neihaus, Nicole A. Judge, Edda Twiddy, Alison D. O'Brien and Wayne R Curtis, 2015, "Scale-up of transgenic tobacco cells that express intimin of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 for use as an oral vaccine in cattle", In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 51, pp. 8
  • Sergio L. Florez, Rachel L. Erwin, Siela N. Maximova, Mark Guiltinan and Wayne R Curtis, 2015, "Enhanced somatic embryogenesis in Theobroma cacao using the homologous BABYBOOM transcription factor", BMC Plant Biology, 15, (121), pp. 12
  • Jun Wang and Wayne R Curtis, 2015, "Proton stoichiometric imbalance during algae photosynthetic growth on various nitrogen sources: Towards metabolic pH control", Journal of Applied Phycology, pp. 10
  • A. Pena-Francesch, S. Florez, H. Jung, A. Sebastian, I. Albert, Wayne R Curtis and M. C. Demirel, 2014, "Materials fabrication from native and recombinant thermoplastic squid proteins", Advanced Functional Materials, 24, (47), pp. 7401–7409
  • Nymul E. Khan, John A. Myers, Amalie L. Tuerk and Wayne R Curtis, 2014, "A process economic assessment of hydrocarbon biofuels production using chemoautotrophic organisms", Bioresource Technology, 172, pp. 201-211
  • Siela Maxiomva, Sergio Florez, Xiangling Shen, Nicolas Niemenak, Yufan Zhang, Wayne R Curtis and Mark Guiltinan, 2014, "Genome-Wide Analysis Reveals Divergent Patterns of Gene Expression During Zygotic and Somatic Embryo Maturation of Theobroma cacao L.", the Chocolate Tree., 14, (185), pp. 18
  • Trevor R. Zuroff, Gu Weimin, Rachel L Fore, Susan B Leschine and Wayne R Curtis, 2014, "Insights into Clostridium phytofermentans biofilm formation: aggregation, micro-colony development and the role of extracellular DNA", Microbiology, 160, pp. 25
  • Mustafa Erbakan, Y Shen, Peter J Butler, M Grelakowski, Manish Kumar and Wayne R Curtis, 2014, "Molecular cloning, overexpression and characterization of a novel water channel protein from Rhodobacter sphaeroides", PLOS ONE, 9, (1), pp. 11
  • J. A. Myers, B. S. Curtis and Wayne R Curtis, 2013, "Improving accuracy of cell and chromophore concentration measurements using optical density", BMC Biophysics, 6, (4), pp. 1-16
  • W. Kharti, R. Hendrix, T. Niehaus, J. Chappell and Wayne R Curtis, 2013, "Hydrocarbon Production in High Density Botryococcus braunii Race B Continuous Culture", Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 111, (3), pp. 493-503
  • M. L. Scherholz and Wayne R Curtis, 2013, "Achieving pH control in microalgal cultures through fed-batch addition of stoichiometrically-balanced growth media", BMC Biotechnol., 13, (1), pp. 1-16
  • Wayne R Curtis, T. Zuroff and S. Barri, 2013, "Consortia-mediated bioprocessing of cellulose to ethanol with a symbiotic Clostridium phytofermentans/yeast co-culture", Biotechnology for Biofuels, 6, (59), pp. 25
  • Trevor* Zuroff and Wayne R Curtis, 2012, "Developing symbiotic consortia for lignocellulosic biofuel production", Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 93, pp. 1423-1435
  • J. S. Larsen and Wayne R Curtis, 2012, "RNA viral vectors for improved Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of heterologous proteins in Nicotiana benthamiana cell suspensions and hairy roots", BMC Biotechnology, 12, (21)
  • B. M. Woolston, C. Schlagnhaufer, J. Wilkinson, J. Larsen, Z. Shi, K. Mayer, D. Waters, Wayne R Curtis and C. Romaine, 2011, "Long-Distance Translocation of Protein during Morphogenesis of the Fruiting Body in the Filamentous Fungus, Agaricus bisporus", PLoS ONE, 3, (12), pp. e28412
  • K. M. O'Neill, J. S. Larsen and Wayne R Curtis, 2008, "Scale-up of Agrobacterium-mediated transient protein expression in bioreactor-grown Nicotiana glutinosa plant cell suspension culture", Biotechnol. Prog., 24, (2), pp. 372-376
  • A. Aziz, B. C. Werner, K. L. Epting, C. D. Agosti and Wayne R Curtis, 2007, "The cumulative and sublethal effects of turbulence on erythrocytes in a stirred-tank model", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 35, (12), pp. 2108-2120
  • J. I. Collens, H. S. Mason and Wayne R Curtis, 2007, "Agrobacterium-mediated viral vector-amplified transient gene expression in Nicotiana glutinosa plant tissue culture", Biotechnol Prog., 23, (3), pp. 570-576
  • Wayne R Curtis, 2005, "Application of Bioreactor Design Principles to Plant Micropropagation", Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 81, (3), pp. 255-264
  • Lauren B. Andrews and Wayne R Curtis, 2005, "Comparison of transient protein expression in tobacco leaves and plant suspension culture", Biotechnol. Prog, 21, (3), pp. 946-952
  • N. I. Kumar, Wayne R Curtis and J. Hahm, 2005, "Laterally aligned, multiwalled carbon nanotube growth using Magnetospirillium magnetolacticum", Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, pp. 173101-173103
  • J. I. Collens, D. R. Lee, A. M. Seeman and Wayne R Curtis, 2004, "The Development of Auxotrophic Agrobacterium tumefaciens for Gene Transfer in Plant Tissue Culture", Biotechnology Progress, 20, (3), pp. 890-896
  • Divakar Ramakrishnan and Wayne R Curtis, 2004, "Trickle-bed root culture bioreactor design and scale-up: Growth, fluid-dynamics, and oxygen mass transfer", Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 88, (2), pp. 248-260
  • J. L. Cuello, P. N. Walker and Wayne R Curtis, 2003, "Design of Ebb-and-Flow Bioreactors (EFBR) for Immobilized "Hairy Root" Cultures: Part I. Preliminary Design Models and Culture Parameters", Transactions of the ASAE (American Society of Agricultural Engineers), 46, (5), pp. 1457-1468
  • J. L. Cuello, P. N. Walker and Wayne R Curtis, 2003, "Design of Ebb-and-Flow Bioreactors (EFBR) for Immobilized "Hairy Root" Cultures: Part II. Growth Studies and Model Verifications", Transactions of the ASAE (American Society of Agricultural Engineers), 46, (5), pp. 1469-1476
  • Wayne R Curtis, 1994, "Application of defense signal transduction to enhance secondary metabolite production from plant tissue culture", Trends in Biotechnology
  • G. Singh, G. R. Reddy and Wayne R Curtis, 1994, "Use of binding measurements to predict elicitor dosage requirements for secondary metabolite production from root cultures", Biotechnology Progress, 10, (4), pp. 365-371
  • S. V. Ramakrishna, G. R. Reddy, Wayne R Curtis and A. E. Humphrey, 1993, "Production of solavetivone by immobilized cells of Hyoscyamus muticus", Biotechnology Letters, 15, (3), pp. 301-306
  • S. A. McKelvey, J. A. Gehring, K. A. Hollar and Wayne R Curtis, 1993, "Growth of plant root cultures in liquid- and gas-dispersed reactors", Biotechnology Progress
  • Wayne R Curtis, 1993, "Cultivation of roots in bioreactors", Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 4, (2)
  • Wayne R Curtis and A. H. Emery, 1993, "Plant cell suspension culture rheology", Biotechnology Bioengineering, 42, pp. 520-526
  • G. R. Reddy, M. W. Signs, H. E. Flores and Wayne R Curtis, 1993, "Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic isolation of lubimin and solavetivone from Hyoscyamus muticus 'hairy' root cultures", Journal of Chromatography, 657, pp. 440-444
  • G. R. Reddy, P. Reddanna, C. C. Reddy and Wayne R Curtis, 1992, "11-HEPTE is the major deoxygenation product of lipoxygenase isolated from hairy root cultures of Solanum tuberosum", Biochemical Biophysical Research Communication, 189, (3), pp. 1349-1352
  • S. Pannuri, G. R. Reddy, D. McNeill and Wayne R Curtis, 1992, "Interpreting the role of phosphorous and growth rate in enhanced fungal induction of sesquiterpenes from Hyoscyamus muticus root cultures", Applied Microbiology Biotechnology
  • J. P. Corry, W. L. Reed and Wayne R Curtis, 1992, "Enhanced recovery of solavetivone from Agrobacterium transformed root cultures of Hyoscyamus muticus using integrated product extraction", Biotechnol. Bioeng., 42, pp. 503-508
  • D. S. Dunlop and Wayne R Curtis, 1991, "Synergistic response of plant hairy root cultures to phosphate limitation and fungal elicitation", Biotechnology Progress, 7, pp. 434-438
  • S. R. Schnapp, Wayne R Curtis, R. A. Bressan and P. M. Hasewaga, 1991, "Growth yields and maintenance of unadapted and NaCl adapted tobacco cells grown in semi-continuous culture", Plant Physiology, 96, pp. 1289-1293
  • S. R. Schnapp, Wayne R Curtis and P. M. Hasewaga, 1991, "Estimation of growth yield and maintenance coeffecient of plant cell suspensions", Biotechnology Bioengineering, 38, pp. 1131-1136
  • Wayne R Curtis, P. M. Hasegawa and A. H. Emery, 1991, "Modeling linear and variable growth in phosphate-limited suspension cultures of opium poppy", Biotechnology Bioengineering, 38, pp. 371-9
  • P. J. Westgate, Wayne R Curtis, A. H. Emery and P. M. Hasegawa, 1991, "Approximation of continuous growth of Cephalotaxus harringtonia plant cell suspension cultures using fed-batch operation", Biotechnology Bioengineering, 38, pp. 241-6
  • Wayne R Curtis, 1990, "Interference of intracellular phosphate analysis by phosphatase in Papaver somniferum cell suspensions", Phytochem. Analysis, 1, pp. 70-73
  • Gayathri D Selvaraju, Anwar A Phatima, Mary Sanitha, Sellamuthu Iyappan, Wayne R Curtis and Ramya Mohandas, , "Expression and characterization of alkaline protease from the metagenomic library of tannery activated sludge", Journal of Bioscience and Engineering, 122, (6), pp. 7
  • Natalie Thompson, Nadia Waterton, Antonios Armaou, Jane Polston and Wayne R Curtis, , "Establishing an inexpensive, space efficient colony of Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 utilizing modeling and feedback control principles", Journal of Applied Entomology, 146, (5), pp. 648–658
  • Sergio L Florez, Matthew S Curtis, Sydney E Shaw, Nathaniel K Hamaker, Jeffrey S Larsen and Wayne R Curtis, , "A temporary immersion plant propagation bioreactor with decoupled gas and liquid flows"


  • Wayne R Curtis and Amalie L. Tuerk, 2005, "Oxygen transport in plant tissue culture systems", 6, pp. 173-186
  • Wayne R Curtis, 2005, "Plant Biotechnology: Protein Production in Transgenic Plants: Development and Commercialization", pp. 2489-2500

Research Projects

  • June 2016 - May 2024, "BREAD ABRDC: Advanced Technologies to get Improved Yams in Farmers Hands," (Sponsor: National Science Foundation).

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Student Chapter, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, October 2017


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:

  • Other, Other, Fellow, Wiley Research Fellow, Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, March 2017
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Judge, American Institute of Chemical Engineering, August 2017
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Judge, Undergraduate Poster Session, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, October 2017
  • Participation in or Service to Professional and Learned Societies, Judge, First Annual Beer Brewing Competition, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, October 2017



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Department of Chemical Engineering

121 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2574