Journal Articles
- Liang Kai Chu, Zhuoshi Du, Matthew Billups, Hee Jeung Oh and Andrew Zydney, 2025, "Detergent/surfactant retention during ultrafiltration in the formulation of biotherapeutics", Biotechnology Progress
- Hee Jeung O and, William Phillip , 2024, "Polymer physics of separation membranes", ACS Macromolecules and ACS Macro Letters, 57, pp. 9489–9497
- Yongha Kim, Taekown Kim, Dae Eun Kang, Jack Szymanski, Riley Kracaw, Andrew Lukaszewski, Michael Shaqfeh, Kyle Tierney, Charleen Rahman and Hee Jeung Oh, 2024, "Determination of carboxyl dissociation degree and pKa in weak polyelectrolyte membranes via POT titration and FTIR analysis for clean technologies in sustainability", ACS Macromolecules, 57, (22), pp. 10844-10860
- Yongha Kim, Taekown Kim, Dae Eun Kang, Riley Kracaw, Andrew Lukaszewski, Jack Szymanski, Charleen Rahman, Michael Shaqfeh, Kyle Tierney, Hai Doan, Lauren Collins and Hee Jeung Oh, 2024, "Weak polyelectrolyte membranes with a wide ion-exchange capacity (IEC) range and limited water swelling in clean technologies for sustainability", ACS Applied Polymer Materials
- E Bell, S Freeburne, M Fromel, Hee Jeung Oh and Christian Pester, 2021, "Heterogeneous photoredox catalysis using fluorescein polymer brush functionalized glass beads", Journal of Polymer Science
- Whitney S Loo, Gurmukh K Sethi, Alexander A Teran, Michael D Galluzzo, Jacqueline A Maslyn, Hee Oh, Katrina I Mongcopa and Nitash P Balsara, 2019, "Composition Dependence of the Flory--Huggins Interaction Parameters of Block Copolymer Electrolytes and the Isotaksis Point", Macromolecules, 52, (15), pp. 5590--5601
- Colin Yee, David McCoy, Jay Yu, Aaron Losey, Caroline Jordan, Terilyn Moore, Carol Stillson, Hee Oh, Bridget Kilbride, Shuvo Roy and others, 2019, "Endovascular ion exchange chemofiltration device reduces off-target doxorubicin exposure in a hepatic intra-arterial chemotherapy model", Radiology: Imaging Cancer, 1, (1), pp. e190009
- Hee Oh, Mariam S Aboian, Michael YJ Yi, Jacqueline A Maslyn, Whitney S Loo, Xi Jiang, Dilworth Y Parkinson, Mark W Wilson, Terilyn Moore and Colin R Yee, 2019, "3D printed absorber for capturing chemotherapy drugs before they spread through the body", ACS central science, 5, (3), pp. 419-427
- Jacqueline A Maslyn, Whitney S Loo, Kyle D McEntush, Hee Oh, Katherine J Harry, Dilworth Y Parkinson and Nitash P Balsara, 2018, "Growth of lithium dendrites and globules through a solid block copolymer electrolyte as a function of current density", The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, (47), pp. 26797--26804
- Whitney S Loo, Michael D Galluzzo, Xiuhong Li, Jacqueline A Maslyn, Hee Oh, Katrina I Mongcopa, Chenhui Zhu, Andrew A Wang, Xin Wang, Bruce A Garetz and others, 2018, "Phase behavior of mixtures of block copolymers and a lithium salt", The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122, (33), pp. 8065--8074
- Whitney S Loo, Xi Jiang, Jacqueline A Maslyn, Hee Oh, Chenhui Zhu, Kenneth H Downing and Nitash P Balsara, 2018, "Reentrant phase behavior and coexistence in asymmetric block copolymer electrolytes", Soft Matter, 14, (15), pp. 2789--2795
- Hee Oh, James E McGrath and Donald R Paul, 2018, "Water and salt transport properties of disulfonated poly (arylene ether sulfone) desalination membranes formed by solvent-free melt extrusion", Journal of Membrane Science, 546, pp. 234--245
- Hee Oh, Jaesung Park, Sebnem Inceoglu, Irune Villaluenga, Jacob L Thelen, Xi Jiang, James E McGrath and Donald R Paul, 2017, "Formation of disulfonated poly (arylene ether sulfone) thin film desalination membranes plasticized with poly (ethylene glycol) by solvent-free melt extrusion", Polymer, 109, pp. 106--114
- Hee Oh, James E McGrath and Donald R Paul, 2017, "Kinetics of poly (ethylene glycol) extraction into water from plasticized disulfonated poly (arylene ether sulfone) desalination membranes prepared by solvent-free melt processing", Journal of membrane science, 524, pp. 257--265
- X Chelsea Chen, Hee Oh, Jay F Yu, Jeffrey K Yang, Nikos Petzetakis, Anand S Patel, Steven W Hetts and Nitash P Balsara, 2016, "Block copolymer membranes for efficient capture of a chemotherapy drug", ACS macro letters, 5, (8), pp. 936--941
- Mariam S. Aboian, Jay F. Yu, Ayushi Gautam, Chia-Hung Sze, Jeffrey K. Yang, Jonathan Chan, Prasheel V. Lillaney, Caroline D. Jordan, Hee Oh, David Wilson and others, 2016, "In vitro clearance of doxorubicin with a DNA-based filtration device designed for intravascular use with intra-arterial chemotherapy", Biomedical Microdevices, 18, pp. 98
- Hee Oh, Benny D Freeman, James E McGrath, Christopher J Ellison, Sue Mecham, Kwan-Soo Lee and Donald R Paul, 2014, "Rheological studies of disulfonated poly (arylene ether sulfone) plasticized with poly (ethylene glycol) for membrane formation", Polymer, 55, (6), pp. 1574--1582
- Hee Oh, Benny D Freeman, James E McGrath, Chang Hyun Lee and Donald R Paul, 2014, "Thermal analysis of disulfonated poly (arylene ether sulfone) plasticized with poly (ethylene glycol) for membrane formation", Polymer, 55, (1), pp. 235--247
- Chang Hyun Lee, Desmond VanHouten, Ozma Lane, James E McGrath, Jianbo Hou, Louis A Madsen, Justin Spano, Sungsool Wi, Joseph Cook, Wei Xie, Hee Jeung On, Geofferey Geise and Benny Freeman, 2011, "Disulfonated poly (arylene ether sulfone) random copolymer blends tuned for rapid water permeation via cation complexation with poly (ethylene glycol) oligomers", Chemistry of materials, 23, (4), pp. 1039--1049
Conference Proceedings
- Hee Oh, Mariam Aboian, Michael Yi, Jacqueline Maslyn, Whitney Loo, Xi Jiang, Dilworth Parkinson, Mark Wilson, Terilyn Moore, Colin Yee and others, 2018, "3D Printed Absorber for Capturing Chemotherapy Drugs before They Are Released in the Body"
- Jack Szymanski and Hee Jeung Oh, 2024, "Understanding design principles in weakly charged polyacrylic acid-based polymer membranes at varying external pH"
- Charleen Rahman and Hee Jeung Oh, 2024, "The effect of external salt solution concentration on weakly charged polyacrylic acid-based polymer membranes in clean technologies for sustainability"
- Wyatt Thomas and Hee Jeung Oh, 2022, "Hydrogenated and sulfonated triblock copolymers for clean water"
- Andrew Han, Frederick Stewart and Hee Jeung Oh, 2020, "An initial study of polysulfone-nanodiamond mixed matrix membranes for oxygen/nitrogen separation"
- Hee Oh and others, 2015, "Sulfonated polysulfone desalination membranes by melt extrusion"