Cellulosic Biofuel 2.0
Cellulosic biofuels fell short of expectations a decade ago but are likely needed as part of the sustainable energy transition. Perspectives will be offered pursuant to configuring Cellulosic Biofuel 2.0 for success, including:
•The need for cellulosic biofuels as key components of the sustainableenergy transition, with an emphasis on negative emissions.
•Selected technologies with potential to enable cost-competitive conversionof cellulosic biomass to fuels for light and heavy duty vehicles.
•Graceful land use strategies, in particular for avoiding land competitionand enhancing the cost effectiveness and sustainability of food and feedproduction.
•Deployment, entrepreneurial, and policy strategies informed by cellulosicbiofuels 1.0.
Additional Information:
Lee Lynd is the Paul and Joan Queneau Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Adjunct Professor of Biology at Dartmouth College; Visiting Professor, Sao Paulo Excellence Chair, and Director of the Advanced Second Generation Biofuel Laboratory at the University of Campinas (Brazil); Team Lead for Consolidated Bioprocessing at the US Department of Energy Bioenergy Science Center; and Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Terragia Corporation. Past leadership positions include Executive Committee Chairman of the Global Sustainable Bioenergy Initiative, Co-Leader of the Role of Biomass in America’s Energy Future Project, Co-Founder and Director of Mascoma and Enchi Corporations, and Biofuel Industry Representative on the Advisory Committee to the Executive Office of President Clinton on Reducing Greenhouse Emissions from Personal Vehicles.
Event Contact: Angela Dixon