Renovations planned for Thomas and Greenberg Buildings


UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Partial renovations are planned for Thomas and Greenberg buildings to create classroom and office swing space during the construction of a new Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building on the University Park campus. The renovations will accommodate faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students while the new construction is taking place.

"The adjustments will allow for expansion to meet projected growth in the chemical and biomedical engineering departments without disruption," said Senior Vice President for Finance and Business David Gray. "Renovations to the Thomas and Greenberg buildings will provide continuity in order to maintain the current level of research and teaching in those departments during the construction of a new state-of-the-art facility."

The $4.8 million renovations will add computer labs, office space and an undergraduate chemistry lab to Thomas Building and modified biology labs, office space, a conference room and a new elevator to Greenberg Building.

The new chemical and biomedical engineering facility — which will replace Fenske Laboratory, located near the intersection of Shortlidge and Curtin roads — will enhance the national and international standing of both the chemical and biomedical engineering departments, as well as help them embrace future projected growth. The facility will include a new 188,000-square-foot building to house classrooms, a large lecture hall and offices for the chemical and biomedical engineering departments. In addition, laboratory suites will support research clusters and a sharing of resources.


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College of Engineering Media Relations

Greenberg Building

Exterior of Thomas Building
Thomas Building

“The adjustments will allow for expansion to meet projected growth in the chemical and biomedical engineering departments without disruption.”
—David Gray



The Penn State Department of Chemical Engineering, established in 1948, is recognized as one of the largest and most influential chemical engineering departments in the nation.

The department is built upon the fundamentals of academic integrity, innovation in research, and commitment to the advancement of industry.

Department of Chemical Engineering

121 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2574