Accident Reporting

Faculty, staff, paid student workers, and other employees

Seek medical attention immediately. Dial 911 if necessary. If the injury results in an immediate medical emergency, initial medical assistance may be obtained by the nearest hospital. Follow up care, however, must be obtained from a Health Care Provider participant.

Report any accident to your supervisor and department safety officer (no matter how minor the injury) so they may fill out an accident report immediately after becoming stabilized following an incident. Reference Penn State Policy SY04.

  • Report any injury to your supervisor/adviser and department safety officer, no matter how minor the injury.
  • Report the injury to the Department Head.
  • Work with your supervisor and department Safety Officer to accomplish the online report of injury within 48 hours.
  • File all necessary signed paperwork with the Worker’s Compensation Office.
  • Follow up with Safety Officer and supervisor/adviser to investigate the accident.

Unpaid students, visitors, and non-employees

Seek medical attention immediately. Dial 911 if necessary. If the injury results in an immediate medical emergency, initial medical assistance may be obtained from the nearest hospital. For non-life threatening injuries, please contact University Health Services to obtain medical care and begin the accident reporting process.



The Penn State Department of Chemical Engineering, established in 1948, is recognized as one of the largest and most influential chemical engineering departments in the nation.

The department is built upon the fundamentals of academic integrity, innovation in research, and commitment to the advancement of industry.

Department of Chemical Engineering

121 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2574