2014 News
Graduate Student Thomas Senftle wins 2nd place for
his presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis

Thomas Senftle, Ph.D. student in Chemical Engineering, won 2nd place for his poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis, held at Colby-Sawyer College from June 22-27. Tom's poster was titled "Multi-scale Investigation of Oxide Formation on Pd/ceria Catalysts via DFT and ReaxFF Simulations."
Tom's graduate work is jointly advised by Dr. Michael Janik in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Dr. Adri van Duin in the Department of Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering.
Graduate student Ian McCrum wins the Best Presentation Award
at the Pittsburgh-Cleveland Catalysis Society Annual Symposium

Ian McCrum, a doctoral student advised by Dr. Michael Janik, received the Best Oral Presentation Award for his talk on June 2nd at the Pittsburgh-Cleveland Catalysis Society Annual Symposium held at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
Ian's presentation was titled "Alkali cation effects on the hydrogen oxidation reaction in alkaline solutions." Ian's doctoral research, working in collaboration with Professor Mike Hickner's group in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, seeks to optimize the catalyst-membrane interface for optimal anion exchange membrane fuel cell performance.