Xinren Yu
Duration: Spring 2012 - 2014
Research: Thermo response of water in a plant cell wall.
Email: xxy5043 [at] psu.edu
Peter Dudenas
Duration: Summer 2012 - 2014
Research: Effect of nano-wisker additives on solid polymer electrolytes.
Email: pjd5144 [at] psu.edu
Joel Slaem
Duration: Spring 2012 - Summer 2012
Research: Ab initio and MD simulations at the fuel cell interface
Email: jas6354 [at] psu.edu
Yuri Gloumakov
Duration: Summer 2013 [REU Student]
Research: Molecular Dynamic simulations of solid polymer electroltes
Email: yg2320 [at] columbia.edu
Derek Sturm
Duration: Summer 2012 [REU Student]
Research: Molecular Dynamic simulations of solid polymer electroltes
Email: sturm.derek [at] gmail.com
Stephanie Roebelen
Duration: Summer 2011
Research: Coarse-grained modeling of ions in solid electrolytes
Email: sxr372 [at] psu.edu
Tiffany Senkow
Duration: Spring 2011 to Spring 2012
Research: Long-range interaction networks of poliovirus RNA polymerase
Email: tls5315 [at] psu.edu
Patrick Jones
Duration: 2010 Summer to 2011 Spring
Research: Thermal analysis of cellulose-water interactions
Email: pwj5009 [at] psu.edu
Katherine Li
Duration: 2010 Summer
Research: Molecular dynamics simulation of cation transport in poly(ethylene oxide)
Email: kayli90 [at] gmail.com
Christopher Sokolowski
Duration: 2009-2010
Research: Investigating the Effects of Intramolecular Interactions on the Dynamics of Glassy Liquids
Email: chs5014 [at] psu.edu
Collin Bonnett
Duration: 2009-2011
Research: Synthesizing polymer nanocomposites with controlled dispersion
Email: cmb5357 [at] psu.edu
Ryan Bradley
Duration: 2008-2009
Research: Structure and dynamics of alpha-synuclein, the protein
implicated in Parkinson’s disease [More details]
Current occupation: Grad student at UPenn
Email: ryb [at] seas.upenn.edu