Department Personnel
Adjunct Professor Joseph Perez | Selected Publications
- Perez, J.M., E.E. Klaus, R.C. Hansen, "Cooperative Evaluation of Several Hydraulic Fluids in Operational Equipment, A Full-scale Pump Stand Test and the Four-Ball Wear Tester. Part III - New and Used Mineral Oils", STLE, submitted, (1994).
- Perez, J.M., E.E. Klaus, "Chapter 3. Handbook of Tribology and Lubrication", CRC Publications, Vol III - Monitoring, Materials, Synthetic Lubricants and Applications, (1994).
- Perez, J.M., C.S. Ku, P. Pei, B.E. Hegemann, S.M. Hsu, "Characterization of Tricresylphosphate Lubricating Films by Micro-Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy", STLE Tribology Transactions, 33 (1), 131-139, (1990).
- Perez, J.M., Y. Zhang, P. Pei, S.M. Hsu, "Diesel Deposit Forming Tendencies of Lubricants - Microanalysis Methods", SAE Paper No. 910750, Detroit, MI, (1991).
- Perez, J.M., F.A. Kelley, E.E. Klaus, V. Bagrodia, "Development and Use of the PSU Micro-oxidation Test for Diesel Engine Oils", SAE Fuels & Lubricants Meeting, SAE Paper No. 872028 (1987).
- Perez, J.M., "Measurement of Unregulated Emissions: Some Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Results", Environmental International, 5, 217-228, (1981).